Tuesday, September 15, 2009

As time goes by I just wandered why all this always happens to me...why can't I get what I want..Everytime I set my goal it will turn our the other way..This is not what i dream off..I feel so useless now..given the appeal letter but theres no use...Its true what the phrase means that Its fated..you can't change what been written for you...so I just have to accept it with a open heart..but deep in side my heart I still regret it..

To my PARENTS and also my SIBLINGS..
I noe you ppl gonna hate and scold me for sure...that why i wrote this...

I'm sorry for what happen..I didn't mean to dissapoint or hurt you ppl...you guys have already support me from the very beginning and I did try my very best but luck is not on my side..I hope you ppl understand my situation..and support me in whatever I do..you ppl are my souls to keep me going..last but not least I'M REALI REALI REALI SORRY....

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 4:41 PM

I just couldn't believe what I heard..I just couldn't understand why there is such ppl who have this kind of thinking..That i want to follow what ever they have or be like them..if they don't want others to have what they have...might as well go n get something customized then.so that no one will have it den..I mean no harm to anybody..just expressing my feeling and anger here...

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 1:42 PM

Sunday, September 13, 2009

wish you all the best n gd luck for your future and also best of luck...happy serving NS also....heheh

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 4:08 PM

Friday, September 11, 2009

weeeee......finally i get to meet all my darlingzz to iftar-ing together and also to have gathering for Firdaus Zahran with his hair b4 he serve the nation....Initially it was suppose to be with my poly mates BUT BUT BUT ........It turn out to MY ITE mates gathering i guess....but we still enjoy our day...........

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 4:08 PM

Thursday, July 30, 2009

To make this clear to everyone who keep on asking me why am I still single though its been a yr plus that my last relationship ends..

Reason being:

I'm scared to move on to another relationship as I'm scared to fall for the wrong guy..Its not that I want to be like this forever..it's just that it's hard to find the right guy..that can reali accept me for who I am and accept who I mix ard with...so this are the main reason why im still single...so ppl hope yo guys understand my situation..........THANKIU

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 11:44 PM

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Haiz.....i just failed my Car TP last week....sian man....

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 4:42 PM

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Riya here!
Lina's account has been hacked!!
Ok, since i'm here to change her old, pathetic and lame blogskin, i decided to wipe off the amounting spider web here as well..
So, wat has Lina been up to??
Well, basically just slacking, slacking, and err... more slacking??
Tu kau tgu dia update sendiri lar ehk..
But wat i can say is her laptop is down at the moment.. Can't even On!! That's sad..
And all thanks to her cute girlfren, ME!!!!
Sorry lar babe, unintentional.. It just hang and went blank!
kwang kwang kwang..
Ok dat's all...


# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 3:29 PM

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