Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You give me something
No one else can,
A reason to live.

If in this lifetime, I wont get to have you,
I'll make sure that if I meet you in my next life,
I wont have to think twice on saying that
"I waited a lifetime to say I love you..."

I would give up everything for one moment with you,
for one moment is better than a life time of not knowing you..

It's hard to live alone,
its hard to choose someone to love,
but the hardest part of falling is to admit
that you have fallen in love with someone
you didn't mean to love from the start...

Love can touch just one time,
but it can last for a life time.

Life is only worth living once
you've found someone worth dying for.

It takes a life time to find someone,
but only a moment to fall in love.

When you finally find someone
who you want to spend the rest of your life with,
you want the rest of your life to start right away.

If You Get A Chance To See Him,
Your Heart Begins To Dance.
Your Life Revolves Around Him,
There's Nothing Like Romance.

Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile,
and finds in your presence that life is worth while,
so when you are lonely, remember this is true:
Somebody, somewhere is thinking of you.

Love you with all of my heart, body ,and soul.
You complete me. You make my life worth living.
To have known you and to have loved you has been the most beautiful dream.
I can only hope that I never wake up.

If living life would mean loving you
for the rest of my life,I would take the chance..

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 2:25 AM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Today my daily routine cont as per normal..den meet del coz she wanna give me the shirt that she bought for me, riya n fyr at china...wooohooooo....thanx del..luv u many2..haha...cont to study and at ard 9.30 we went to our fav spot to ard 11.00 headed to YCK n poor Dan he lost his ez-link card..Its ok Dan i noe how you feel...coz I've been through it before..relax dude.

ok this is all for today...TATA...LUV U PPL MANY2

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 1:14 AM

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Went out to study with Zyma and Shaz today at Bras Basah Mac. We plan to meet at 4pm at City Hall MRT..when abg Shaz kiter ni complain that 4pm is too late for him..den eventually we change the timing to 3pm instead, Me & Zyma plan not to call or msg Shaz coz we knew that we gonna be late..but when we were inside the train..shaz msg n tell us that he's still at J.E MRT..gerek beb..lag2 biler dier ckp yg dier bgn kol 2.30..touching per tu part..Then we headed to Bugis for our late lunch, at Tong Seng. The both ladies were like looking ard hoping not to bump into our ex's there..den Me n Zyma went to popular to buy some stationaries while Shaz waited for US at Mac. We spend abt 23bucks there..woohhhooo...that's why I hate going popular..Dan came at 7 pm..And Is tell me that aju dier blum basoh..n dier takde aju nak kuar? cian kan..haha...Sham came at 8pm and do his normal routine..disturbing ppl..haha....Left for esplanade at 9pm and meet another group of frenz there.kecoh geng..pasar mlm pon kalah uh..we realy have fun ..wif jokes n games reali make our day memoriable. Left hm at ard 11.30 with Zyma n Yat..coz we share the same cab..

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 2:30 AM

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Arghhh!!! finally my common test paper is over...n now I have to concentrate on my EXAMS!!!which is next weeekkkkk....OH TIDAKKKK..HAHA...damn stress man...haha...STUDY! STUDY! STUDY!

Singapore Flyer:

Instead of Playing Soccer..this is what they do:

Our Thursday evening routine:

Zyma N Mar

Ni lah akibatnye lau majok tak dpt maen bola
sampai tetdo

This pic is totally random taken while waiting for MR JAFAR...

Durin School Open House:
This is what gonna happen if the jakons meet each other..haha...Flight Simulator

Name jek ader lesen Kapal Terbang..
tap bwk huru hara..hahs

Si Zam MCM paham!

dri planet mane lah dak ni kuar..


Ni lag satu..nak step pay attention jek..

ok i shall stop here nw...till i update again..waahaha....don't miss me ppl...LUV ya!haha

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 2:24 AM

# abt me *


* Marlina a.k.a Lyna *
Sweet 22


Chun Li



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