Sunday, September 28, 2008

Just nw i accompany miza to rebond her hair..i feel sorry for her as not being able to pay back her money that i owe..end up she have to ask from her bro...thanx to hafidz and her irritating mum uh...janji tinggal janji jek...this is what i hate abt trusting someone who doesn't deserve any..I reali can't believe it sey..why must i suffer all this sey..i didn't do any harm to them..but why must i receive all this shit..I just want to move on with my life without contacting my former ex boy friend who is a big fucking bastard..only best cuzzie and my close frens who noe whats the reason for me contacting him..

When can i get the happiness that i've always wanted to.
When can i get rid of those fucking bastards from my life.
When will i find someone that can reali make me happy and give the love sincerely..

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 10:54 PM

hey..sorie for the late internet have been cut off due to certain reali cause me so much trouble..sorry ppl..deeply apologies...

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 9:57 PM

Sunday, September 7, 2008

yesterday when to Mak Biba's house to break fast with few of URSP-ians as we have something urgent to plan for nenek..A suprise again..yeah!!! You noe what happen if URPS-ian met each other rite?? kekecohan melanda n include some of kamal frenz.we had a great and sad day actually..hehehe...

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 11:47 PM

As time pass by..I just realise that in two mths time its been a year that i offically broke up with him..though its over between us..But all the sad n happy memories will always remains. I miss the days that we had together,the laughter and sorrows that we've shared, all the lame jokes that we've created, the way he pampered me,the way he talks to me on the fone. I admit that i just miss all those things though i have frenz n cuzzins to brighten up my day..i reali appreciate what they have done for me..

Being single is actually great as i get to noe more frenz, go out with whoever i want, talk to whoever i want, but somehw i will feel lonely. only silent tears that's been by companion throughout this mths..

Suratan Atau Kabetulan

Sesuatu yg tak disangka
sering kali mendatangi kita
Itukan suratan dalam kehidupan
Atau sekadar satu kebetulan

Kita asyik membicarakan
Persoalan hidup dan pilihan
Serta kejujuran semakin berkurang
Masih tiada bertemu jawapan

Walau kita dihadapkan dengan pelbagai pilihan
Mengapa sering terjadi pilihan tak menepati
Hingga amat menakutkan menghadapi masa depan
Seolah telah terhapus sebuah kehidupan yang kudus

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 10:49 PM

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's been a long time that i've stay at home for the whole bz with my stuff that makes me reach home very late..went out to sch when my parents are still asleep n reach home when they already went to bed...hmmmm...

Today i finally stay at home...that makes my mum happy i guess...coz she keep on smiling and creating jokes...
susa tau nak npk mak aku senyum..hehe..

but i simply got bored siting at mind are totally blank..i don't even know what to do...lau nak diikukan ati mmg ku nak kuar jek...Somehow when i look at my mum..i felt pity to her..coz she always tell me that she hardly see my face..she actually miss me..awwww...
i feel so touch man when she say that..*winkz*

So i guess staying at home wouldn't that bad right..atleast i make my mum happy...hehehe...

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 11:54 PM

Monday, September 1, 2008

Went to simei to meet my pri sch frenz n headed to bugis where i bump with kamal,andy n one of his frenz which i forgot what his name is actually..hehe...i followed them go ard bugis street where we bump into miza n anoi...

headed to zam-zam to have our dinner ..There is where all our merepekness starts..u shud noe wat i mean rite?

They actually rock my day man..

To: all muslims out dere..i just wanna wish Slamat Berpuase!

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 12:15 AM

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