Sunday, March 30, 2008

Wellll...we went to Swensen at Changi Airport to celebrate my 21 bdae..hehe..n i gt a free ice cream...yeahhh!!! This is the only pic that i have to share..

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 10:43 PM

Saturday, March 29, 2008

On the 29th March of my cuzz getting engaged..hehe..CONGRATS to ABG LI..hehe..On The day when i was at my aunt's house..while me,miza n anoi were chatting out of a sudden miza says to anoi.."eh kau nari tdo umah mak jah?" den anoi n me were stunned..coz wat i noe anoi told me that she wanna sleep at miza's house..or mayb miza got the wrong info i think..i just leave it lah kann...den i ask anoi to accompany me to PARKWAY PARADE coz i wanna buy a hair cream..when were we on our way...miza call anoi n ask where are we...i thought she wanna follow us lahhh...den anoi's fone ring again...den i heard anoi said " Kau dah ke blum??" den i ask anoi."Ape yg dah ke blum?" the only thing she reply "uh..takde pape" den i just keep quite lor...

At around 9 plus 10...i went hm with my mum n my bro's family..while im inside the sis in law fone rang..and shes like shock when she received the call..she said" ehk anoi?" After she hang up...she type a msg..n the best part abt my bro is...when he received a msg from my sis in law..he ask.."eh ayg msg abg uat per?" hahaha...lbt btol abg aku niii...but wat can i say all runs in a blood...

When i was at a normal routine..i always check my email, friendster..den i heard someone knocking at the main door n playing with the mind was thinking who could be coming at thiz hr its already 11.25 pm..and the best part is my mum didnt even bother to open the door..haizzz! den i go to the main check who was it..but the door peep hold were covered..arghhhh!! n when i open the doorrr....i was shock to death when i saw my cuzzzz n my sis family were standing right infront of the doorstep singing bdae song for meee...OMG in soo touched !!THANX GUYS.. this is the biggest suprise ever..for my whole entire life...lucky i dont have heart attack seyyy...hehe..their voice were supper damn loud eventhough its onli 4 ppl who sang..hehe...can u imagine that?? WHEN THE CLOCK STRIKE AT 12 MIDNIGHT THEY SANG AGAIN..but very softly..hehe...tkt bpk bising..hehe...Den they finally told mee...everybody noes abt this suprise...sedih sakkkk...but THANKIU ONCE AGAIN TO EVRYONE INVOLVE N PLANNED FOR THIS SUPRISE...GREATLY APPRECIATE IT LOTZ.

MY Bdae Cake..yummy!


cake cutting session

my sis family n mee

This is the ppl who give me a suprise..Thanx veryone.

Amek kau..kena cabo ngan cake..n strawberry

lawa kan muke aku...padan muke..hehe..

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 5:30 PM

how do i start ehk...lets see..

i was at miza's place when i received this msg frm eidrus that im invited to his chalet that falls on the nxt following day..n he told me that he ask one of our fwen to pick me uppp,n wen the guy already agreed to it...aru si pendek ni nak blg aku...tak tekejut aku dibuatnye...

Den the nxt day...i was out with miza n anoi to Tampines Interchange Pasar Mlm where miza bought her so called dress i think...cant remember..hehe..den i received a fone call from this particular no..n its start like tiz..

that guy: ehk! no kua baek siakkk...ader 1987 pat blkg dier..

Me: Sape sak nii...

That guy: eh2 kau aku _ _ _ _ lahhh

Me: dri mane kau dpt no aku seyyy...

That guy: dri eidrus uhh

Me: ohh okey.

That guy: kau nak gi ke tak?

Me: sembrg uh..aku tak crewet..

That guy: kau btol2 uh nak gi ke tak

Me: iye aku gi..kenape?

That guy: k best..nanti aku amek kau..

Me: hmmm...ok den


while i was walking with anoi at tampines mall..which miza already went hm coz shes abit sick..i receive his call again...n he told me to meet him at pasir ris at 8..coz he have to pick azmi up 1st n i agreed to it...when its already 7.30...i don't noe wat happen to heart is like beating extremely hand r shivering seyy...ku rase cam nak alek jek seyyy.....coz i don't reali remember his face n i seldom talk to himmm...i donno lah ehk.. when he reach at the place where he suppose to meet me..he called me n say to meet him infront of the 7-11...den i goo..w/o even realising that hes right infront of me..ingat plak dier muke aku ehk...nvm..

when we reach there...azmi was waiting 4 go to eidrus chalet.den we reach the chalet..n followed by yat n punk, we did enjoy talking craps n laughing at others n share ghost stories.i'm so happy to meet them back..its like a ITE BR reunion..with only half a squad..heheh...

ok this part is a bit weird lahh kan...of all the guy i've make frenz with..i fall for him..not fall actually..i just admires his looks..coz he quite cute actually..hehe...OMG! why am i telling u guys alll thiz...paiseyyyyy sak........kkk i better stop here...b4 i start to express everything out..wats that guy name..its onli 4 me to noe..n 4 u guys to find out...hehe..chioz

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 3:29 PM

Friday, March 28, 2008

Yawwwww....everyone..welcome to my world..ok2 cut the crap...sorie if im being to hyper..but i just wanna express my excitedness coz my bdae is tiz sun...woohhooooo...i can't want the day to come..wats my age??..plz don't age n my attitude don't reali match actually..dats wat ppl say abt me lahh kan...lau org tak ckp mane lah kiter nak tau...kk i will stop here b4 my kemerepekkan melanda...LOTS OF LOVE..ahakz


# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 11:43 PM

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

hie...sorie ppl 4 nt updating my blog 4 the pass few weeks...i've been bz lately..n theres some prob that i have to settle with n also im too tired to blog..sorry 4 the inconvenience..i will get back as soon as i fwee...

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 3:29 PM

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

aiyyyooooooooo.....wat a boring day...hav to stay at hm the whole day...its so nt meee lor...the only thing dat i chatting on msn...eating n sleeping...damn bored...sigh

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 11:50 PM

Sunday, March 16, 2008

FUHHHH...its was a hot sunny day today...n i gt my bike ROAD REVISION @ 3.20 pm...the moment where the sun reali shine up bright....n can u imagine hws my skin colour gonna turn to..confemm lag itammmm....sedih seyyy...

The most saddest thing happen today was my U-turn damn sucks....hw am i gonna take my TP in aprilll...i reali need to buck up..haiz~

After 4 rounds of road practice...i make my way to bedok to meet Riya[i reali miss herrr sooo muchhh]..accompany her to buy covered shoe...n she bring all around bedok just to search for 1 shoe...kecoh uh ni anak...hehe...den after an hour of searching..she finally gt herself i shoe..yesh uh!!

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 11:10 PM

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Yeaaaaa....I gt my birthday 21th birthday present from my parents today...hehehe...happy nye i..THANKIU MOM n DAD...
i greatly appreciate it..eventhough my dad didnt tag along with us to bedok today..but the present do come from himm tooo..They bought for me a white gold


After we bought the n my mum went to eat at KEDAI KOPI..where i finally gt myself a meee soto! haha..While we were eating theres this one pakcik who is drunk keep coming to my mum..n keep staring at her...which my mum feel uneasy n think of throwing the bowls to that pakciks face..haha...den we headed back hm..

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 5:52 PM

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Haiz....another stressful day of my life..went out wif anoi n kamal 2day to
bugis to take anoi's camera..coz miza cannot make i have to replace
her..everything was fine until i received thiz fone call frm my mentor who call me n my mum n ask wat happen to me?..she want to meet me n my mum tomorrow..wat the hell sey..juz bcos i fail 2 module..she call my mum..den bcoz of that i have to stop my bike prac which i've been counting days to my TP..Y cant i juz be happy like others..y i always have a miserable life..i been pressurized n i need some space on my own..i need some freedom..i reali envy others that have such an understanding mother who noes wat they like n wat they mum is actually great..but sometimes she doesnt feel how i feel..n she dont agree to wat i like..having my own bike is wat i reali want..n its easier 4 me too having transport of my own..coz i was so into bike more than car...going 4 my bike prac having nothing got to do wif my studies..i always go whenever i end my class..Wat am i suppose to do nw?? how am i gonna tell my mum abt tiz? is she gonna understand me?? Please give me ans 4 tiz... :{

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 11:02 PM

Monday, March 3, 2008

OMG!!! wat happen to me..i gt myself a 2nd makeover...thanx to miza n anoi 4 helping me with all the make up,clothes n etc..i reali can't imagine that im wearing that kind of clothes..its is so nt me sey...anoi did say that i dont look like my age after makeup...coz i reali look like a small kid...heheh...but i loike u noe...nyehhahahaha...

i'm forced to wear pink...


Chicky me..hehe

Fake flowers?? oso can la..

Rise & shine

Chill yaWW!!!

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 11:20 PM

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Iam damn tired today..all thanx to my fwenz who drag me out..hmph!

We plan to meet at Toa Payoh as one of us plan to buy dress frm there as its quite cheap i can say..after going round n round, she finally gt a dress for herself...fuh~

As we were walking we spotted, that theres a few booth displaying item for Total Defence to our kponess....we join in the crowd and gt ourself some free brouches<---i have no idea how to spell tiz word..hope u understand...LOL! after browsing thru..we came out wif tiz stupid idea of goin to the historical places at BALESTIER RD..haha..

1st Stop...Jln!

Jlm Ampas got its name from the sugar cane plantations,

The malay word ampas tebu refers to the refuse of the crushed cane.

This is a the one n only building left for the studio.NO 8..

but too bad the pics aren't clear enuf..

Traditional Bakery

have been producing freshly baked tradional brown bread loaves for the past 50 yrs.

using the classic example of a bakery from the rite???

Theres still alot of places that we went to...n sad to say that i onli manage to get tiz few its already dark wen we reach to other places...

# it seems i am floating in the darkness* @ 12:26 AM

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